Sunday, April 7, 2019

ISNSC Team Event Preliminaries

The Preliminaries have just concluded and our teams have done well! Some teams will definitely march on to the Grand Finals! Get ready guys! It will be on 17 Apr (Wed)!

Enjoy the pics!

Our 6 Primary 2s competing in the Super Junior Division (SJD)

Team J3 managed 9 wins! Darren and Kylie won all 3 games! 

Team J2 managed an incredible 14 wins! Only Harita lost the first game. The rest were perfect! 

Team J1 managed 5 wins!

Team S3, perfect score of 15 wins! (Only David? :D)

Team S4 managed 13 wins! Caly, Lycia, Chloe and Arisha nailed all their 3 games!

Team S1 managed 12 wins! Nanda, Derek & Joy won all their 3 games!

Team S2, a perfect score of 15 wins!

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