Thursday, July 7, 2011

6th August competition details

Hey everyone, it's not called NJSC. It's a new format. Do read on for more details. See you this coming tuesday (12th July)!

SUPER-Zonal Series Scrabble Championship 2011
Category: Primary Schools
Date: 6th August 2011, Saturday
Venue: Yuying Secondary School

General Information – Introduction

- The inaugural split-event that brings together schools from the various zones where the teams are crowned by the 4 demarcated zones and the top 2 teams from each zone (after Round 3) went on to compete in the SUPER-zone category (see Box).
- To enable schools to form teams with ease, each team comprises 3 players. A maximum of 6 teams is permitted for each of the Junior and Senior Division.

Example: Senior Division
All teams played 3 games within their zones.
Teams from the same school can play each other only once.
The top 2 teams from each zone (after Round 3) moved on to compete in the SUPER-Zonal front.
The other teams within the zones continue to play Round 4 and Round 5, culminating in the PLATE and BOWL Champions within each of the 4 zones.
The Best School Player (BSP) for each school will be based on the scores of the first 3 rounds.

- The rules of the 10th Inter-School National Scrabble Championship 2011, ISNSC apply. A copy of which can be requested upon your participation.
- Lunch (halal) is provided for all participants. Kindly indicate in the Registration Form should you require special-diet meal, such as vegetarian meals.
- Minimum of 2 players in a registered team to play, should 1 player failed to turn up.
- Where a team has a cross-over of divisional player, it shall compete in the higher level.

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