Thursday, September 20, 2018

Some games from 20 Sep

Here are some pictures from some of the games we played. 

PITY / UP / TI was awesome! 45 points! Well done David!

Wonderful parallel plays in this game :)

Nice bingo LOATHES. However, BIZER is invalid! BIZ and BIZE are valid though :)

*LOST&FOUND*: Did anyone leave a water bottle behind? Let us know if it is yours. 

See you next week 27 Sep!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Pictures of some games from last session

Good staircase! Can you find the invalid words? There are more than two!


VET is played dangerously just below the "Triple Word" row, because VET takes a front hook. Do you know what it is?

See you this Thursday 20 Sep! :)
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